Black and White 2 is a great game, where you take on the role of God. The aim of the game is to defeat each of the tribes, The Tribes are the Greeks, the Norse, the Japanese and the Aztecs. You play as the greek god and in the end you have to defeat the big bad Aztecs. How you choose to defeat your enemies is totally up to you, you can build magnificent cities and win the hearts of your enemies causing them to migrate into your city. Or you can be pure evil and torture your people and kill them and wage huge wars, which will cover the land with blood. One of the great things about this game is the newly improved creature system. YOu can choose from, Lion, Wolf, Cow, Ape , tiger and if you get the expasion pack also the tortoise will become availible. They start of as young babies, but you can punish and reward them for doing certain actions therefore they get there own sense of right and wrong, eventually your creature will be hugeand it's appearance will change if its good or evil. If you like the idea of being a god then this game is deafinatly for you.